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Angel πŸ˜‡

It was the month of winter,
She was shivering with cold..
We wrapped her up in our arms,
Now.. We were not just four.. 

She had big round eyes,
A 24/7 wet nose..
With four little legs, she toddled
Awaiting us, at the door. 

She always welcomed us with glee
And bounced everywhere in sight..
All she wanted was a pat on her head..
With selfless love in her eyes

She’s my best friend, my angel
She’s more family than a pet..
With pride in her eyes
And a ferocity in her steps
Her bark echoes louder
With every stranger she met
She’s our very own angel
The most amazing gift, I could ever get.


I am just a software enthusiast, doing mechanical engineering from a government college, I love to write about things that intrigue which is mostly everything. I like to read a lot and game a lot. I like discussing about anything that interests a person, either me or the one im talking to as there is nothing more amazing than talking to a person who is excited and sharing something that makes them feel good.

21 thoughts on “Angel πŸ˜‡

  1. Angel is so sweet. I still remember the day when we all met her at your place. She was behind your mom barking as loudly as possible and running away every time we tried to get close to her πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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