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Angel ๐Ÿ˜‡

It was the month of winter,
She was shivering with cold..
We wrapped her up in our arms,
Now.. We were not just four.. 

She had big round eyes,
A 24/7 wet nose..
With four little legs, she toddled
Awaiting us, at the door. 

She always welcomed us with glee
And bounced everywhere in sight..
All she wanted was a pat on her head..
With selfless love in her eyes

She’s my best friend, my angel
She’s more family than a pet..
With pride in her eyes
And a ferocity in her steps
Her bark echoes louder
With every stranger she met
She’s our very own angel
The most amazing gift, I could ever get.

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A Small โ™ฅย 

Good Morning, 

Heart, to love.. To feel, to appreciate and also to belong all of these thoughts go through her heart, or the emotional center of our brain.. The hormone level, how much oxytocin is currently being secreted and tons of other factors define your respone and condition and likely replies. Everyone says I have a big heart, I care for everybody and etc.. And I don’t have a big heart, but I like to help anyone as soon as I can, I have a tiny miniature heart.. It doesn’t matter how big your heart is or how good your thoughts are, if those are only thoughts in bedroom in the shelter of the four walls and inside your bedsheets with eyes closed,those thoughts are gonna crumble and take a lot of space, and any human has had more thoughts than there are possible elements in the whole observable  universe, so yeah, no matter how big your heart is.. If you keep things inside, away from prying eyes or just cause youre scared about what will people think or say, or you’re just scared that it won’t be good enough.. It’s gonna fill you up, and then you won’t be able to breathe or feel the same way you used to.. Your heart is now clogged. 

A clogged heart is worse than a broken one, a broken one hurts, it demands to be felt, it makes you feel pain, sorrow and also happiness with memories, it feels, it’s in a million pieces even, but you can still gather them all and make a new one.. Just to have it broken again and repeat it all your life, that’s life. A clogged heart doesn’t feel it takes up space and won’t let anything through it you may lay out a million logics and keep reminding yourself, like you’re a good guy, you can love, you have the confidence to do better, and endless such feelings and even a million other people can remind you everyday, but you won’t believe it, as it won’t reach your heart it’ll go all happy and excited and then hit that wall and just fall, vanish among millions and millions of thoughts we have, have another thought, maybe some romantic feelings for your loved ones.. Same.. Hit and fall, have a worst one, a family member dies.. Same.. Hit and fall, believe me.. I had a clogged heart, i was there i witnessed inability to cry and feel, I have seen a puppy die in front of my eyes, and I didn’t bat an eye, a monster ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m.. 

So what to do? Well, it’s difficult to live like this, nearly impossible and I had to do something, so I did the worst thing we can do to ourselves.. Break our own heart :), it sounds so easy but hearts don’t break in an instant it takes time, trust is broken, harsh words, situations and so many things.. Idk when I learned to break my heart in an instant and move on like nothing happened and smile.. I too wanted a big large heart, a miniature heart would look cute but which girl would like to go with me with such a tiny heart.. :P,  I lived out of such insane thinking, the last time I broke my heart instead of collecting it all together and making it the same as it was, I collected all the pieces and cleaned them thoroughly, scrubbing with force.. Bleeding all the time and then I compressed it, put them all together and pressed them with all my might and then folded them as much as I could and repeated the process, it took me a while, now I have a really tiny heart, and I don’t know where it will take me but it’s worth the risk. 

So here I am, with a real tiny heart and a wicked smirk on my face, I don’t let anything stay inside, leave no thought left unsaid, be open be frank.. Be weird ๐Ÿ˜› *


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Since we have been born, we have been taught.. First it was to say simple words like mommy daddy, identify relatives and understand what is harmful for us and what is edible.. We learn by looking and watching our parents.. We do what they do we teach ourselves by example.. From just simple words we started learning alphabets.. Then more complex words sentences and it continued.. Time passed by instantly.. We started learning by our own example.. By making mistakes we corrected them. We find new ways to make things better for ourselves and it went  on for quite a long time. 

I’m a normal teenager, brought up by an awesome couple ๐Ÿ‘ซ, but somewhere things got wrong. My parents have an unbreakable faith in god, they care about society and want me to have a career with lots and loads of money and yeah last but not the least have a happy and fulfilled life. 

I.. Don’t care about any of those.. I did learn from them.. And I know the importance of all of them, it’s just.. Somewhere along the way, i wanted to do things my own way.. It’s probably the worst way possible but I’m gonna do it like that anyway.. I don’t believe in God, not cause i hate it, my logic suggests otherwise.. I respect religion as a way to have solid faith in something, to guide them through life and all of its shortcomings.. I.. Don’t wanna hold onto anything to stand again.. I wanna walk on my own on my own two feet and reach my goal whatever it will be.. I am stupid and weird but I know, I’ll have to do this alone.. I don’t wanna have anyone lookin out for me or even believe in that.. I wanna fight with my own two stands and if I want to look forward to anything I’ll look forward to my next step and if I’ll have to pray.. I’ll pray to the future and my own self to be strong and to survive through this :). 

I don’t care about society, Society is nothing but a fear of staining our reputation in front of others.. A reputation that will be built and destroyed thousands or even millions of time in your lifetime to excuse everything with how would people think? What would society say? What will the world think? I don’t care about anyone who has such short scope of life, and I would really like it if they don’t care about me either, the world is selfish, with every action having a predetermined idea or plan. And I don’t want to be part of that world, it’s so easy being straightforward and open, it won’t matter how it goes, if anyone you have a relation doesn’t accept you for what you really are why pretend and be anything less. 

I will have to a career to survive in this money minded world.. But i have no idea on why I don’t care about money.. Money is good, you can buy a lot of things with money, mostly everything now but still as everyone knows, money can’t buy everything… Money can’t buy you true love, which I am on a journey to find.. It can’t buy you appreciation, which you get through hardwork and doing some good, and so many other things.. So what I want in life is.. Power :p, it sounds weird.. But think.. Money can’t buy you power. Yes every thing is corrupt now a days and you could be at the highest post possible with just money. But that doesn’t give you power.. It gives you authority.. If you ever go through history of any place.. People with authority don’t always make history, but people with power.. No matter where they are will. Make their own history.. Mahatma Gandhi had power, he had no money or authority but power and he played a huge role in Independence of India, but power isn’t always good, hitler had power, he used in his own way right by his own perspective, he made Germany a superpaower.. Stalin had power.. And so many examples.. Obama has power, Vladimir Putin had power, they will change the world for better or for the worse, it may be on a very small scale or change the landscape of the world. I want power, idk how much or how less, but I want power. That’s all my goal is no matter where it is, that’s where I’ll be satisfied. 

This is what I learnt from all the experiences in my life, all my mistakes and all my shortcomings and choices have brought me to this decision, and nothing is gonna chage that. What was your drastic learning experience? Your decision for life? ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜›


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When I was a kid, I always wanted to grow up and be an adult as soon as possible,like everyone else. And Now, here I’m, 20 years old, my first step at being a youth.. I’m still decades away from being a full-fledged adult and all I wish for is to be a child again.. Those days were you could just lay in bed and not go anywhere and stomach ache worked 100% of the time as a valid excuse.. Those were some awesome days.. Now even if you’re dying you have to get the minimum attendance and be responsible and do stuff.. Plan ahead.. Make your choices.. It’s just too complicated :/

Now, time travel to the past is impossible, and sending my conscious either isn’t something possible with current technology.. And as I am, hopefully, everyone else is as fucked up as I am, maybe at different things but messed up in our own weird way.. I think a lot and observe a lot.. And even though we have grown like six feet tall and big with beard and a mature face.. We are nothing but children in our mind.. Honestly, sometimes i feel like my parents are more immature and innocent than I’m.. And while youth does define our physical age.. Mentally we are. Nothing but a small child in our mind. One things for sure.. Everyone must have heard of Pokรฉmon go? Unless you don’t use internet etc.. I got so excited when I first caught my pokemon( I chose charmander) and after that I went out with friends to catch more, every Pokรฉmon we encountered, magnified our excitement exponentially.. And I still got no Pikachu but my friend does and i hated that.. I remembered like when we used to be kids.. And if one of our friends had some awesome toy our parents wouldnt buy for us.. We would deny it being awesome.. Like yeah cool its good.. But I have this old school bus which makes noises and goes randomly.. N i took pride in saying that.. So cool and swaggy.. 

Now, I can’t do the same.. I have a reputation to uphold and I’m done with it.. Why do we care about people who don’t even know us.. And those that know us won’t care how crazy we act for the day(unless it’s your office or you’re out with your colleagues or worse.. With your boss). I love being weird and annoying.. I like messing up my friends life and not let them have a moment’s rest :p and they hate me for that for sure.. I don’t lie to anyone, cause it’s tiring to make up a lie.. I have a depressing side too.. And I share it with everyone and i annoy them with that too ๐Ÿ˜‹ I’m really weird but I love being me.. Cause all the connections I have right now.. Are cause of my weirdness :p, and I love every single one of my friends โค so.. To wrap it matter if you’re a child or a teenager, a youth or an adult.. Be like Homer Simpson and only plan like 4 seconds in the future.. And make the most of it ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Have a good day. 


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The Two EyeBalls…ย 

Good Morning.. 

We wake up everyday, freshen up, do our stuff and go about the day everyday in a similar fashion.. We meet new people, we judge them.. We meet old ones and we greet them :p. And then day finishes we are at home.. Tired stuck at the sofa/couch or a chair.. Watching tv/netflix or just working on a computer.. After dinner we go to sleep.. Close our eyes and into our dream world.. 

Every morning, we brush our teeth wash our face, do our hair and look awesome.. But we never pay any heed to our eyes.. Two eyeballs of just the right size attached to a socket right below our forehead.. We never like pay much attention to it.. Yes there is eyeliner and stuff like that but that only takes care of the outside.. Not the two eyeballs we watch and observe the world.. Everyday. Our genes change the color of the eyes.. Blue brown black green.. Even grey colored eyes can be seen in people and they look so different from each other.. And still at the same time.. All eyes shine the same.. They have the same spark when something happens that makes them happy or excited.. No eyes are racist or sexist.. It’s the perspective of a person’s mind but everyone sees the world as is.. Its possible my world is difference from yours in a tiny aspect due to the way our mind interprets it.. But they are pure with no impurities or fraud…and in the same way people like being complimented about their eyes cause it’s not something you work on or can fake or change its true and how they were made.. Eyes are a part of the originality of a human being.. No matter how fake your emotions are.. The second you stop concentrating.. The first one to express the void is your eyes.. They go dark and lifeless.. No matter how much you try or practice.. Eyes express what you feel and in the exact way you’re feeling it.. They are awesome.. Appreciate ๐Ÿ™‚ 


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Just like the Moon..ย 


Good Morning.. 

Let’s start it like this… You’re too good to be true.. With your dark hair, warm skin and bright eyes.. You’re one of the rarest specimen I have seen in my life.. With dozens of types of smiles and echoing laughter.. You’re still the person who thinks she is not awesome or beautiful.. Your hair is not always combed or well done.. But they never look messed up either.. I have never seen you wake up, but that’s on my bucket list for sure.. You learn things quickly.. You curse me a lot and you have a poor choice of words while consoling someone.. But it’s different than the publicly accepted ones so it works.. Your eyes are expressive but at the same time they feel dumb to me.. Your face changes through out the day ๐Ÿ˜ฎ it’s weird but still awesome.. You’re a hamster.. Cute.. Bubbly and awesome at so many aspects which I can’t even begin to fathom at this point.. But you only see yourself as walking / running on the wheel.. Which is stupid, cause from. My perspective it feels totally different.. You never like do the things the same way twice.. Obviously you overthink and improvise on it and you like being perfect.. As everyone wants to be.. But.. Hamster.. You don’t need to be perfect.. You’re already awesome and crazy.. And perfection is not a limit you have to achieve.. Its just how the current standards of top merit are..and you’re not that.. You can do better at some things and well obvo worse at others.. I admire you.. N I have no idea why :p.. 

You’re just like the moon.. I talk to you every night miss you every morning.. And sometimes I just look at you with all your imperfections and mistakes.. You look so perfect from here.. But you’re the moon right? You still just see the spots on yourself you have gone through in life that have left a scar somewhere inside you.. I see those spots too.. From far obviously so I don’t know how much they did hurt or if are still hurting.. I just see the moon.. A heavenly body gone through the test of time and space and everyone admires you.. Just not you? You have craters.. And everything.. You do lack on certain aspects and they are so foolish that it makes me smile when I think about them… 

You’re not perfect at all.. You’re a crazy specimen that’s not to be released in the public as you’re dangerous and can cause others indefinite Insecurities.. But we are not caging you or binding you.. You’re just afraid to go. Out or idk what.. But you’re meant to be awesome cause you’re awesome so.. Well don’t just sit in an old cage just cause someone or some thought put you there.. The doors are open youre free to look out and roam the free skies till it hurts.. And roam and fly some more.. You’re just like the moon… Awesome and crazily amazing to others.. And so beautiful too.. But you still think your craters define you.. 


(can’t mention the name cause I wanna live longer)


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Feeling it.. Or not?ย 

… So

I’m a writer, not a really good one, but I occasionally write stuff… And just a while ago I started writing without any push or a hurricane of emotions.. Writing to write without any thought or based of an incident or issue.. It all started whenever i felt a surge of emotions, be it love, despair, happiness or others.. So It was fun to express your thoughts into words.. I sucked at start but I practiced and improved it.. I’m still improving… Now I can write whenever I feel like, controlling my emotions to a certain extent.. But still there is something.. Wrong.. With me.. 

  • I don’t feel anymore.. Or well I think that I can’t feel anymore.. And yet I can channel my emotions to write something for someone or even for my own satisfaction.. It works out but the problem is.. I can love anyone.. With all the words in the world.. I can love someone deeply and truly.. And I can even start thinking that I truly love them.. Even make myself believe that.. Now it works out but it’s not true love is it? I can’t just love them without truly feeling it.. Maybe I’m too desperate or maybe i truly love them but I’m not sure.. I’ll never be sure about it.. And it’s not just one.. I seem to able to love everyone.. Every person I know i love them a lot.. They are special and If possible I wanna show them how much more they are.. And how stupid they are to think of themselves as anyone below.. And I wanna know them. More.. Not just their secrets but things even they don’t realise..but I’m just a friend.. And I don’t wanna try and become a bf to love them.. Gf/bf… If it doesn’t work out.. It’ll become awkward and I don’t want it to be awkward.. I just want it to be forever whatever it is.. Now I do try to make them realise how amazing they all are.. By gifts ( i give them my all) or just while conversing.. And obvo they don’t take me seriously.. And I hate it.. So sometimes i feel like let’s go all out and love them.. But it’ll be just words.. And I don’t feel anything anymore.. I hate it.. And I don’t know what to do.. 
  • It’s probably nothing but just a rant now.. And.. I don’t even know what I’m trying to make others understand or listen to.. I really wanna love someone cause I just broke up a while ago and I can feel the void eating me up.. But if I can love.. I don’t wanna just be unsure about it.. I wanna be loved. And I don’t want any half-hearted feelings… My god.. I’m irritating.. Sorry.. :p
  • Ultimately all there is.. I can lovr anyone with all the words in the world and everyone one of them would be true.. But whenever I’m alone.. I won’t miss them.. Whenever they leave.. I won’t feel it.. I’ll miss them.. I’ll wait for them.. But i won’t yearn for them and.. They won’t make me feel. Alive.. ๐Ÿ™‚ i wanna feel. Alive 
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Otaku for Life..

Its been around one and a half years now, when I was added to the whatsapp group “otaku”, a friend suggested it to me and said, ” You are an otaku right? Should I add you? Itll be fun, everyone here is as crazy as you”. At that time, I didnt pay much heed and just said whatever helps you, but since I have been added there, my life has changed drastically..

Manga/Anime is one of my main hobbies. Reading them, watching them and trying to predict whats gonna happen next to find loopholes to be crazy about some characters and even argue, and most importantly, its similar to gaming where you can even for just a while imagine that you are living another life, not this boring one where you have to prove yourself and stuff and just by having this as hobby I have gained some irreplaceable friends and attachments, I can boast about what all I have read and watched :3 Its fun.

Connections are important, as soon as you can associate with someone on a topic, you tend to trust and open up to them, which makes life easier to live. After I started talking on the group, I havent took a break since then, we had some otaku meets had loads of fun, face painting, amateur cosplay, watching anime all night, its been crazy and the memories are amazing. I hope that I keep meeting new people and make new friends, as the best memories are made when weird people get together to do something crazy ๐Ÿ˜‰ โค
Discover #Connection


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An Insight On Life..why?

What is the meaning of life?

Can it only be figured out when scholars and philosophers sit down and discuss it? Does it need to be deep, insightful or profound? Or Is it possible life is nothing but the everything we see and hear, with no meaning, just an experience we have in every day life. What if Life is nothing more than the journey we all have to take in our life, but its not long or ends after out death.. what if it changes every second and every millisecond. As there are more thoughts in our brain than there are things in the whole universe ( I am a nerd..), while our thoughts happen every second with a little spice or little gloomy toppings, so can life change every second it can be gloomy, spicy, exciting or even neutral with no change. What if the only meaning of life is to not there is no meaning of it? Like there is no profound meaning to the questions Who am I? What I am meant to Do? Or Why is this happening to me? as all the questions have the similar answers.

Like when I was a kid, there was nothing deep about my thoughts, I wanted to be a driver cause all I wanted to do was drive fast and do stunts( Hindi Movies xD), same for being a policeman too, so I could punch and kick people my only idea of justice was to smile.. at that time. Now that I have grown up and sadly understood the workings of our society, my thoughts are tangled up with everyone else, like everyone I have insecurities too, anxieties, had depression, With questions like What would others think of me? Is it the right thing to do?.. and endless such question are dealt with everyday.

Why do we think so deep? why do we need to have an insight on everything and for everything to have a profound meaning to it?

I love everyone, and I love everyone’s smile and when they laugh and giggle, I dont like sad faces or crying faces but I like the idea of changing them to happy ones, and all those are external features arent they? all we see are the exterior of a person’s conscience , the manifestation of his/her thoughts on his/her or external features, expressed through eyes, lips and numerous facial expression that are observed everyday.

I just wish when we meet any new person in our life, instead of trying to find what he is thinking or what he is like inside, is he evil or good or what kind of person he is, we look at the external features and be content with it. yes, there are people out there that can use you, but trusting someone and being content with someone are two entirely different things. ๐Ÿ™‚


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I am like any other human, stupid.. Immature and easy to manipulate with a few kind words. What makes me different is that I have made all the wrong decisions. I didnt have the worst life possible, there are so many different individuals I personally know, who have had a worse life than me at every turn, but due to my choices, I had depression, anxiety, insecurity and i dont know what else. My family is very spiritual family, everyone in my bloodline believes in god, when I was on the streak to make choices, I decided not to believe in anything, not even in fictional god, it was probably the only right decision I made, cause I had nobody to believe in, at first it was really lonely,ย  my depression wasnt getting me anywhere, with no hope and no willpower, my friends started getting irritated too, my love life on a continous decline and the only thing left was just me, all alone with no hope. I am not strong at all, I have tried to end my life numerous times, I dont know how I got over them, but i sure as hell know it wasnt my willpower.

After numerous suicides, and the changing attitude of people cause they are too annoyed or irritated by your behavior, I understood, nobody is gonna stay by your side forever, and nobody is going to help you without expecting something in return. I am a moron, so I tried to do exactly that, to help others without expecting in return, do it like charity but dont think youre doing charity. It was normal at first, nothing changed but then I got a few amazing friends, just by being myself and helping, I got two friends at first, unbreakable bonds, forever type friends. They were there whenever I needed them and helped me through some very tough times, I was wrong at many fronts and they would always try to guide me to the right path, it felt awesome.

Still, the depression lingered like a limb, it was eating me up from the inside for years and i fell in love again, and the same cycle repeated of thirst, depression and then suicide, anyone would get tired of it, so did she, and then i realised, nothing is enough. No matter how much you love, or how much you care or help someone, if your dark side is like a blackhole, people would get hurt, and they would grow apart from you slowly.

It was difficult and I had no idea what to do, I tried meditation, couldnt follow it. I tried to listen to motivational speeches watch motivational videos, play games to avoid any conflicts, everything.But no matter what I did, those feelings were temporary and the depression still lingered in the corner, smiling with a devilish look on its face. I was scared, and then it came to me. People discard things a lot dont they? When something gets old or when something is of no use anymore or hinders us, while they cant discard everything bad they still discard for their own benefit.

Even though, I knew that depression was in every aspect of my life, love, care, sweetness, sadness, lust, each and everyone of them had a bit of my depressed self mixed in it. I discarded everything, every feeling I had. It sounds so easy like a fairytale, but u have to kill yourself every night to remember the worst moments u had, relive your every past mistake in your mind, it makes you cry but you cant even shed tears, it makes you shiver but you have to control it by your shear willpower or by contracting urself into a much smaller self of yours, I had to do it for days, explaining it is a pain.. After that, once I was out of depression I felt better, like new, and then I realized i was nothing too, my love that i felt was gone, my sweet side felt fake to me, the way i used to help people didnt have the same meaning in my heart.

Those were some tough times, I remember how I treated everyone, it was the worst, cause if they were mean to me, I didnt feel anything and if i was mean to them, still I didnt. It took me a while, I was even suicidal in those times, i still shivered for days, but I never felt anything, it was scary cause before I had a reason to die, a motive, a backstory and a feeling, not it was nothing just a empty urge to just die. I couldnt understand what was happening to me.

It took me a long while, to gain back my feelings, one by one, and now, even though there is no happy ending cause I dont know what will happen tomorrow.

I am glad that now I know, That I have a tomorrow, and I am gonna live for it, I dont have any dreams now, or a drive to be something, and I am not even appealing ๐Ÿ˜› but I am gonna live, maybe not for something grand but just for the small things for now, just to see that sun shine above my head and make me hide in the shadow cause its too hot, just for the regular fights between two people, just to watch cars go wrooom, just to play games with friends and hear them scream at each other and blame each other, just to walk everyday on the same journey and to go back to same spot, again and again.

I am not happy, I am not sad, I am not depressed, and I am not suicidal. I am awesome in a very weird way. I am alive ๐Ÿ™‚